About PET-A-Derm

Pet Skin Care Adapter

Apply your pet's shampoos or bottled topical skin treatments in seconds using our revolutionary PET-A-Derm adapter. There's never a need to cut the fur, because our patented design allows the fingers to apply treatment directly to the troubled areas with ease, and it's compatible with most bottled skin treatments. Get yours today.

Simple 2-Step Application

Once adapter is attached to treatment bottle, step 1- touch fingers of the adapter through fur to pet's skin, step 2- gently squeeze treatment bottle. Treatment flows directly onto pet's skin and you're done. 

Our Staff at Work

We understand the importance of taking care of your pet's skin and overall health. It's compatible with all furry pets and only requires only a few seconds to apply treatment. The perfect for groomers, individuals, mobile shampoo services, and veterinarians. Get yours today and give it a try, Fluffy and Lucky will certainly thank you.